Easter is coming! Together with some special Czech traditions you might not have in your home country. 

Do you know, for example, what is "pomlázka"? And what is „kraslice“? Do you want to taste „beránek“ and „mazanec“? We will also decorate eggs together and then you will have a chance to experience the most special and widespread of Czech traditions. It is really bizarre! 

Moreover, this event will take place on Thursday 13th of April, which is the Thursday when Easter begins and we call it Green Thursday in the Czech Republic. 

See you in Chladič and feel free to bring your friends with you!
(Češi jsou také vítáni!)

Chladič club is located in the basement of Hlavova 2030/8, near tram station Albertov (trams 7, 18, 24). In the building there are arrows guiding you to the Chladič club.

13/04/2017 - 19:00 to 14/04/2017 - 18:45
Chladič club
Hlavova 2030/8
Czech Republic
  • Everyone is invited.